RIPE 87 Local Hub - Bruges, Belgium
28 - 29 November 2023
* Registration open, be aware that capacity is limited!
Whilst the attendance is entirely free, it works solely on our sponsorships (e.g. venue, food/snacks, drinks, ..)
Does your company want to sponsor? Please contact us at contact@benog.be!
Join the RIPE87 Local Hub by BENOG
Are you eager to join the RIPE meeting but can't attend the meeting in Rome? BENOG is here to bridge the gap!
Experience the meeting locally and engage with the community. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity!
We bring the RIPE meeting experience to you, locally and cost-free! Here's what you can look forward to at the RIPE87 Local Hub in Bruges:
- Watch the RIPE Meeting webcast
- Engage in discussions online via chat, audio, or video
- Network with local community members
- Discuss topics from a local perspective
- Additional local activities such as a datacenter tour, and more...
For more detailed information about the main RIPE87 event:
The official site provides extensive resources, schedules, and updates.
Discover the plenary speakers, and groundbreaking discussions set to take place in Rome.